
Julia Huuk avatar image
Julia Huuk asked Adrian Haws commented

How to tell the ASRS to take a specific item first?


I have a model where the ASRS retrieves items from racks and puts them onto a conveyor after a defined dwell time has expired. Now I would like to implement "rush orders" - I have already defined their dwell time as 0s, but when other items in the shelf also have arrived at 0s they sometimes get taken before my rush orders. How can I prioritize the rush orders without influencing the order of the other items in the task sequence?

FlexSim version 7.5.4 was used.

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1 Answer

Rodrigo Lamas avatar image
Rodrigo Lamas answered Adrian Haws commented

@Julia Huuk You can use the Priority area in the Rack / Flow Tab Proprieties. Now the ASRS priority will be the Rack unload parts instead of load parts in the queue. For more complex task sequence you can use the Process Flow tool.

You can set diferent Rack Dwell Time for each Itemtype or label in the Values By Case option.

I hope that this information can be helpfull for your model. Regards!

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