
Marco Baccalaro avatar image
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Marco Baccalaro asked Matthew Gillespie edited

Activity grouping bug

In the attached model I reproduced a bug that I’ve found in 2017 version:

L1 does not create the label and Delay 1 doesn’t do the delay.

That’s because the connections between the sources and the groups go to L2 and Delay 2 instead of L1 and Delay 1 (if you try to ungroup them you see the real connections).

This happens when you have the Source connected to L2 then you try to group L1 with L2 and, while holding the mouse button, you first try to put it after L1 then you move it up in the first position.

I hope that I wrote it understandable.

I attached a video to show it. bug-activity-inserted.fsm

FlexSim 17.0.0
process flowactivities connectionsactivities grouping (33.8 KiB)
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Matthew Gillespie edited

This bug has now been fixed for the next release. Thanks for pointing it out!

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