
Patrick Cloutier avatar image
Patrick Cloutier asked Ben Wilson edited

Network installation for classroom

Hello, Our client ETS (École de Technologie Supérieur) has a 25 seat classroom licence. The teacher is asking me if she should click on "upgrade software" that she is being asked when she opens the software ???

I'm surprised that she is even offered to upgrade. Won't that mess their network installation? All workstations need to have the same version. I would have thought only their IT could upgrade.

I don't know how network licence work so please enlighten me.


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Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered Ben Wilson edited

Are you referring to this sort of prompt, received when opening an older version of the software (if there is a newer version available):

This prompt will appear if the user has the Check For Updates option checked under Global Preferences > Dynamic Content. The option is checked by default in a new FlexSim installation.

It is simple enough to respond with the "no thanks" answer. Or, go ahead and install the latest and greatest version. It would allow you to try out the new features and see what has changed. It will not be a fully licensed version (unless your license server has already been updated, and then you configure the new install to point to your license server), but it also does not change anything about the licensing or about the previous version.

If you choose to "Upgrade Now", then the older FlexSim installation initiates the download, then prompts the user to close FlexSim and install the newer version. Doing so does not uninstall the previous version - it will still be there, and still be licensed, when the user is again ready to open the previous version.

If the person hits "Upgrade Now", but does not have administrative rights on the PC, it will still download the file and try to run the installer. The installation will fail and exit early, however, if the user does not have those admin rights.

Let me know if you have any follow-up questions.

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Patrick Cloutier avatar image Patrick Cloutier commented ·

But would that upgrade just this seat (out of 25 seats) or all 25 seats automatically?

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Ben Wilson avatar image Ben Wilson ♦♦ Patrick Cloutier commented ·

Just that one PC. One client PC doesn't know anything about the other client PCs

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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel Patrick Cloutier commented ·

It will not be a fully licensed version (unless your license server has already been updated, and then you configure the new install to point to your license server.

In fact it is a Express Version then. If the old Version is still on the computer you can use it.

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Ben Wilson avatar image Ben Wilson ♦♦ Joerg Vogel commented ·

Only a bugfix release will replace an existing installation (like upgrading from 16.2.1 to 16.2.2), and bugfix releases share the same license version (in this case, both 16.2.1 and 16.2.2 require a 16.2 or greater license). Also, the individual settings (like pointing to the license server) will be preserved from the replaced 16.2.1 to the new 16.2.2.

When installing any new feature release (either a new year release, like FlexSim 2017, or any update release, like 2016 Update 2 or the future 2017 update 1), it installs to its own directory, and has its own settings. It will not overwrite or change any aspect of any other FlexSim installation.

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