
Bryan Suharik avatar image
Bryan Suharik asked jing.c commented

Release Item Type at set time interval by item type?

Hello, looking for assistance on how to trigger release of an itemtype from a queue at set intervals. Perhaps a rack is better, but i need to display the flow items on a pad of some kind. There are 10 item types, and i need each item type to be released to the downstream processors at different time intervals.

I need a solution via code to pre define this requirement. The time release rate will be pulled from a global table.

Thanks in Advance!

FlexSim 16.2.2
queuecoderelease method
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Mischa Spelt avatar image
1 Like"
Mischa Spelt answered jing.c commented

Assuming you want to wait if an item type is not available, the most straightforward way to solve this would be a simple Process Flow that pushes items onto a list as they come in, and has a little loop for each item type that releases one of the items of the correct type after each delay time.

I have enclosed an example model, which should do what you want.

· 4
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Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered

I would do this as Mischa said by pushing them on a list and releasing them at specific times by pulling from the list from Process Flow tokens released at a schedule. Here is another example:


pullexample.fsm (23.8 KiB)
5 |100000

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