
João Moretti avatar image
João Moretti asked Joerg Vogel answered

Processor output 8 part's/300 sec (ONCE)?

Is it possible been inserting a processor in the model that: Every 300 seconds delivered 8 pieces at once?

FlexSim 17.0.2
process flow
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

If 8 items enter the processor and you want to release only these items in an time interval of 300 then you close the output of the processor first, send a delayed message to create the event of time interval and open the output on that event. On that trigger you can create the next time event by sending the delayed message again. After the 8th item exits the processor close the output again. The capacity of the processor has to be set to 8.

Easier is the approach to use a queue to batch the items.

If one item enters the object and you want to split that item into 8 items then you insert the separator into the model instead of a processor.

A processor can release multiple items at once, too. You must write source code or you build a ProcessFlow that creates the number items. Probably the place to create those items should be the next object. Otherwise the items are handled as normal flow items and are processed in the processor.

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