
Thijs Damsma avatar image
Thijs Damsma asked Jason Lightfoot edited

How can I export a processflow List as csv or excel table?

I have a list in my processflow, for which I have defined a few columns via the "advanced" button, so that it has several columns when I view the entries via the "View Entries" option. Now I want to export exactly what I see when I press view entries as either a csv or xlsx file, but I can't get it to work.

Using the eyedropper on the table yields

MODEL:/Tools/ProcessFlow/ProcessFlow/In vlissingen>stats/instances/ProcessFlow/list

But the resulting excel file only has a single column titled onPull containing only zeros.

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1 Answer

Matt Long avatar image
Matt Long answered Jason Lightfoot edited

There currently isn't an automated mechanism to export data from a List. What you see in the List Entries and List Back Orders tables are compiled data from a specific structure stored in the List. The easiest way to copy the data would be to manually open the Entries/Back Orders, select the columns you want to copy and use Ctrl + C to copy the data, then Ctrl + V to paste the data into an Excel Workbook.

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