
Ali H avatar image
Ali H asked Ali H commented

How do you combine on conveyor a pallet and item?

I need to combine a pallet and item in a conveyor but when anything pallet is full the pallet needs to travel in the conveyor even if it is empty, then other pallets are placed in the empty place by pallets that are recirculating. Eight pallets are recirculate. combine-conveyor.fsm

FlexSim 17.0.2
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1 Answer

jing.c avatar image
jing.c answered Ali H commented


My approach maybe a little complicated, but it does work well.

I add two labels in Processor and dp to calculate the pack numbers and determine if there is a pack task.

Moving TaskSequence is created in the message trigger of Robot.

It is my first time to use dot syntax, and maybe it would help you.


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