
Jacob Leto avatar image
Jacob Leto asked Jeff Nordgren edited

Sending an item to a conveyor based on conveyor content

I want a queue to send an item to a group of conveyors only if the content of the total conveyors is less than 8. To elaborate, I have four conveyors in a loop in which eight queues release items into (trying to simulate indexing conveyors). I don't want the queues to release the items until there is one of eight spots available in the conveyor system. I basically am asking for a way to control the max content of a conveyor system without changing the conveyor length.

FlexSim 17.0.0
conveyor systemmax content
· 2
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1 Answer

Jeff Nordgren avatar image
Jeff Nordgren answered Jeff Nordgren edited

@Jacob Leto

Attached is your model with the changes that I've made.

I'm not quite sure why you use 8 queues to feed the conveyor (your model - top view) because very few of them even get used.

Anyway, basically what I did was to add two Global Variables. One for the max content of the conveyors (ConveyorMax) and one to keep track of the current content of the conveyors (ConveyorCurr). Then in the main RedirectQueue, in the OnExit trigger, I increment the ConveyorCurr variable. If it has reached the maximum content (ConveyorMax), then I close the output port of that queue.

Then, in the DP in the small exit conveyor, I decrement ConveyorCurr and open the output port of the RedirectQueue. In the OnModelReset trigger is where I initialize the Global Variables.

Because I saw no need for the eight queues feeding the conveyors, I added a second option (bottom) where the RedirectQueue feeds the conveyors directly.

Also, I changed some of the parameters in the ConveyorType1 behavior tab. Setting the Stopping Space, Moving Space and Entry Space to 2.75.

Take a look at the model and see if this is what you had in mind and/or if this option will work for you. To run the top model, disconnect the source of the bottom model and connect the source on the upper model, or vice versa, depending on which one you want to see. You can have both active because they use the same Global Variables, which would mess both of them up.


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