
G C avatar image
G C asked Dicky H commented

Processor max content greater than 1 with operator

How do I retain processor max content greater than 1 and still require an operator?

FlexSim 17.1.1
max content
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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered tannerp converted comment to answer

When you try to set this up, FlexSim should give this warning message:

--------------------------- Processor Error --------------------------- Processor1 has a max content greater than 1 and also is configured to use operators. This will not work properly. You will need to create several Processor objects and give each a max content of 1 to simulate this situation. --------------------------- OK ---------------------------

The second part of the message explains how to simulate or model this kind of set up instead:

"You will need to create several Processor objects and give each a max content of 1 to simulate this situation."

Alternatively, you could set up a Process Flow to handle how Operators are acquired, and duration etc. to customize this kind of set up.

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