
Chao Gao avatar image
Chao Gao asked Sunada C commented

Automatically create rack

I would like to automatically create a bunch of rack objects, specify the number of bay, number of level, size of bay, size of level using code, I couldn't find a command to control these settings.

I am looking for something like

(for int i = 1; i <=100; i++)


treenode rack_obj = createinstance(library().find("/fixedresources/Rack"),model());

// setrackbaynum

// setrackbaywidth





FlexSim 17.0.3
programmatic control
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1 Answer

Arun Kr avatar image
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Arun Kr answered Sunada C commented

Hi @Chao Gao,

I modified Mathew's code in the attached link and you can try the given below code.

int number = 5;
int yGridSize = 10;
double xSpacing = 3;
double ySpacing = 3;
int numBays = 5;
int numLevels = 5;
double bayWidth =5;
double levelHeight = 5;
for(int i = 1; i <= number; i++) {
 Object obj = createinstance(library().find("?Rack"), model());
 function_s(node("/?Rack", library()), "BasicRefreshTable", obj,numBays, numLevels, bayWidth,levelHeight); = "Rack" + numtostring(i);
 obj.location.x = floor((i - 1) / yGridSize) * xSpacing + 1;
 obj.location.y = ((i - 1) % yGridSize + 1) * ySpacing;
· 1
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Sunada C avatar image Sunada C commented ·

@Arun KR : How do we change the depth of the bay and also rotate it by 90 degree after doing this?.

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