The units in my model are minutes, feet and gallons. On the fluid conveyor tab, I have the speed set at 6200. I am assuming this is in gallons per minute, right? There is also a maximum content setting, which I assume is in gallons. I would think the combination of these two numbers would define the velocity at which the conveyor is going to run. However, no matter what I change the maximum content setting to, it takes the same amount of time for product to traverse from one end of the conveyor to the other. I observe this by resetting the model and lapsing time from when material first appears on the conveyor until it reaches the end of the conveyor. This is important as this model gets larger because I will have miles of conveyor and need to understand when material will run out and appear at various points in the model when there is a process upset. What do I need to adjust to get this to model properly?