
Sara C avatar image
Sara C asked Logan Gold answered

Item is not being send by conveyor. Problem with Decision Points.


Hello everyone!! I have a problem with my model.

I´m trying to build a step by step conveyor. The items have to stop in every decision point. There are three stations, where there is a process time. All of the items have to stop at station 1, but if station 2 is busy with an item, they can go to station 3 following the blue line. (Attached image)

To move the items along the conveyor, I am using decision points, with On Continue and On Arrival triggers, where I Release and Acquire Restricted Area. This allows me to build the step by step conveyor.

The problem is in the green circle, where the items that come from the Station 1 are not being released, and they are blocked.

Thank you!!

I attach the model.

FlexSim 17.0.2
conveyorsconveyor systemconveyor decision pointconveyor transferconveyor module
support.png (84.0 KiB)
support.fsm (1.4 MiB)
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1 Answer

Logan Gold avatar image
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Logan Gold answered

The issue has to do with the Entry Space set on ConveyorType1 in your model. If you change the offset distance from 2400 mm to 1000 mm, then your model will work consistently.

This appears to be a bug, so I'll do some more testing and pass it on the developers to diagnose the issue.

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