
ShabDz avatar image
ShabDz asked Joshua S converted comment to answer

How to build a slug for two dependent conveyors?

Hi all,

In the attached model, I want the primary conveyors to build a slug of boxes and send them to the secondary conveyors in a round robin fashion.

If all the conveyors operate independently, the attached model can simulate this scenario using the code in the decision points.

However, the hard part is that, I want the conveyors (both primary and secondary) to be coupled. In fact, they represent two lanes of flowitems on a single conveyor.

Assuming that the slug size is 6, first I want to send 6 boxes to the first couple of secondary conveyors (these 6 boxes are combination of red and brown boxes and it doesn't matter how many are red and how many are brown). Then, I want to do the same for the second couple of secondary conveyors.

I really appreciate your help.


FlexSim 17.0.13
conveyorsdecision pointsconveyor systemround robinslug building
untitled.png (78.9 KiB)
test-slug.fsm (25.9 KiB)
· 2
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Joshua S avatar image
Joshua S answered

See if this is what you are looking for.14666-test-slug.fsm

14666-test-slug.fsm (28.5 KiB)
· 1
5 |100000

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