
Drake M2 avatar image
Drake M2 asked Brenton King answered

2 Way Conveyor


I'm pretty new to FlexSim, but I was wondering if it would be possible to model a conveyor which can send flow items out one way and receive them back using the same conveyor belt? Also is there any way to have a 2d conveyor system, like an F-RAT?

FlexSim 20.0.2
conveyorconveyorsconveyor systemconveyor process flowconveyor properties
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1 Answer

Brenton King avatar image
Brenton King answered

I'm not familiar with F-RAT, I googled it and found a video of a side transferring conveyor. That is normal conveyor behavior in FlexSim. I'd recommend posting a video link of what you are looking for.

As for 2 Way conveyors. Yes you can do that. I would recommend making the conveyor be a resource that needs to be acquired for the direction you wish to travel. Then set the speed of the conveyor to be positive to travel normal and negative to travel in reverse.2way-conveyor.fsm

2way-conveyor.fsm (47.2 KiB)
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