
Jitendra Kumar avatar image
Jitendra Kumar asked Sam Stubbs commented

Use a sequence for order picking

I have a set of itemTypes being generated by a source using a schedule and stored in a queue and I need to pull these items from the queue based on a sequence that I have stored in a Global Table1. I will take the first flow item from global table and look for it in queue by matching label PART_COL_ID, if I found any match, I will send it to processor and removed it from GlobalTable1, if I not, I will keep the first flow item as back order and look for next flow item of GlobalTable1. I have used a process flow, but the transporter is not picking the items.

My model is attched here : use-a-sequence-for-order-picking.fsm

FlexSim 17.0.4
global tablesmatch labelitem type in process flowmatching itemtypes transporter
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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered Sam Stubbs commented

I believe this question is somewhat of a duplication of your followup on the other quesiton here:

What you're going to want to do, is set up some logic using the "Use max wait Timer" for your pull from list activity. I gave you a small example in that response. I've modified that example to have it return to the list pull to pull the next item on the list, and also added logic to check to see if the end of the list has been reached. The only thing you'll need to decide is time you want for the max wait timer to wait until looking at the next item on the list. (Right now it's just set to 1.00 time unit)


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Jitendra Kumar avatar image Jitendra Kumar commented ·


Hi @Sam Stubbs

Thank you very much, I just have one more doubt, I want to use global table for max wait timer, e.g. for first part it will use 23 minute, for second 5 minute, for third item 13 minute and so on. I have stored wait time data in Globaltable2. I think I have to use some increment label but I am wondering how to use increment label at pull item type. Thanks


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Jitendra Kumar avatar image Jitendra Kumar Jitendra Kumar commented ·

Hi @Sam Stubbs, I am trying to build a task sequence for transporter1 in above model, but it showing invalid task sequence. can you help me to build the sequence.

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Sam Stubbs avatar image Sam Stubbs ♦ Jitendra Kumar commented ·

You had it set up correctly, you just had the out connectors from the Pull from List switch. The first one goes to the Aquire, and the second one goes to the start again. You had it reversed, so that it was releasing the token to the task sequence when it couldn't pull an item from the list.


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