
Kevin S avatar image
Kevin S asked Kevin S answered

Holding tokens until Zone count drops below set value

I'm a very new user so I'll need answers spelled out.

I want to control the max number of machines that will run at any given time, but I still want all the other operator activities to happen for all machines. I created a zone around the part of the machine flow for processing and was hoping to use a "wait for event" to count how many machines are in the zone and hold tokens until the number of machines drops below whatever value I set, but I'm not sure if that works or how I would set up the wait parameters. It looks like this:

Inline image 1

Any thoughts?

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wait for eventzonecounting
· 1
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1 Answer

Kevin S avatar image
Kevin S answered

I actually figured it out. I just have to set a limit to the number of tokens in the zone and that will keep the maximum number of machines running at the limit. Thanks though!

5 |100000

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