
Maciej Kotlicki avatar image
Maciej Kotlicki asked Sam Stubbs answered

How to setloc in ProcessFlow when unloading

I've started using ProcessFlow. I made it so that the operator loads items from queue and unloads them on task executer. This task executer has a model of a trolley I've made in SketchUp.

The problem is, that when he unloads on that trolley, the items appear not where I'd want them to. I've tried using setloc commands in both operator's and trolleys OnLoad/OnUnload triggers, but it doesn't change their location at all.

process flowlocationunload
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
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Sam Stubbs answered

You can setloc using Process Flow as well. This is done through the "Change Visuals" activity. You might have to play around with the x, y, z values to get the location that you want.

Here's a very basic example that uses setloc as an activity in Process Flow.


setlocexample.fsm (20.8 KiB)
5 |100000

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