
Wahid Sumono avatar image
Wahid Sumono asked Ben Wilson commented

Company License Server is down

Dear All,

My company license server is down, and I got no license when running the FlexSim 6.0.2. How the steps to restore it back? The server was wiped out with its flexsim licensing service



FlexSim (other - please specify)
FlexSim (other)
license server
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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered Ben Wilson commented

Hi @Wahid Sumono,

You can reinstall your license server with the latest license server tools, which you can download here:

Follow the FlexSimLicenseServer_Installation.pdf instructions, which besides being linked here are also included within the

Please contact your local FlexSim distributor for questions regarding restoring a lost license, or for direct phone support.

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Wahid Sumono avatar image Wahid Sumono commented ·

Hi @Ben Wilson,

Many thanks for your helpful answer, when I asked back our IT Dept. actually the server is still alive. The license service has been moved to another server.

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Ben Wilson avatar image Ben Wilson ♦♦ Wahid Sumono commented ·

Hi @Wahid Sumono,

If you have any questions or problems in moving the licensing to another server, or configuring that new server, please let us know. Probably open a new question where the title will be specific to whatever question you may have.

Good luck!

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