
Rafael Andrade avatar image
Rafael Andrade asked Rafael Andrade commented

How can i get the cycle time of each types of flowitems?

Hi everybody,

I have a model that produce 2 kind of objects, and i want to find the average time in system of each object when they get the sink.

Let's supose the model has a source conected with a queue, the queue conected with 2 processor (with differents process time accordind the item type thet the source produce), and processor conected with the sink.

Thanks for your help!.


FlexSim 17.1.0
cycle time
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered Rafael Andrade commented

The starting point is to record the staytime individually. Then you divide the total staytime by the entries of the record list. Here you find a method to record the staytime. The recording is done with a tracked variable. Please look into the command manual to identify the method to get the entries of a tracked variable.

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Rafael Andrade avatar image Rafael Andrade commented ·

Thank you Sr. Vogel!

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