
Julio R avatar image
Julio R asked jing.c answered

Travel to coordinates related to an object.

I have a model where I need two operators to travel next to a car, I'm using Process Flow with a travel to object in a loop so they evaluate their destination every second and follow the car.

My problem is that I need them to be 10 meters in front of the center of the car and 10 meter behind, instead of just next to the car. Is there any way to make them travel to a destination linked to the current object position?


FlexSim 17.1.2
process flowtravel to locationtravel offset
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1 Answer

jing.c avatar image
jing.c answered

Hi, Julio.

I am not quite familiar with ProcessFlow. But I try to use a coordinate task in code edit of OnArrival in DP to achieve what you want.

In my model, you should know the distance which the operators will travel with the item (In attached model is 16) Furthermore, speed of the operator and the conveyor should keep the same.

My approach seems not flexible enough, not quite sure if it can solve your problem.

Attached is my model, and hope it help more or less.


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