
Rob avatar image
Rob asked Rob commented

Batch processing on conveyor

Hi everybody,

I want to simulate a pick and assembly process. At first an operator should pick an amount of 4 parts and put them on the conveyor. After that he should do some assembly (Station with process time). After he finished assembly for this 4 parts he starts from new with pick next 4 parts and so on.

I tried it with photoeyes but it didn´t work.


FlexSim 17.1.2
conveyorbatch processing
tk3-conv.fsm (58.7 KiB)
· 1
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered Rob commented

One possibility would be to use Process Flow and Lists to handle the process. I've created a small example that is fairly similar to your request that would show you how to set this up.

Essentially you're going to create a List, that when parts are available to pick, they get pushed to that List of items. Then set up a Process Flow that creates a token, when the item to be combined (In my example a pallet) arrives at the station. Stop the Pallet with a custom code activity. Then proceed to pull the parts from the list, load and unload them into the pallet. (In your case if you are combining parts into a single item, rather than placing them on a pallet or container, you would just remove those objects instead, as simulating them being put together as part of the main item).

It might be easier to visualize with the model, so I'm attaching the example below:


· 1
5 |100000

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