
Marie Lisa avatar image
Marie Lisa asked Marie Lisa commented

Shortening material without losing the difference

Hello guys,

In my case I have a cylinder which should show a round steel. This steel is for example 100 meter long.

It should be shortened to pieces of 25 meters. The problem is that I get a 1 piece of 25. But do not get any other pieces of the whole material.

How would you solve this problem? And with what object?

Thank you in advance.

FlexSim 17.1.2
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Marie Lisa commented

You need the function of a separator. The Separator Option is Split. The Expression Value is for the Split/Unpack Quantity the amount of items you get. On Exit can you set the new size of the items you have split.


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Marie Lisa avatar image Marie Lisa commented ·

Thank you very much it helped me a lot!

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