
Igor avatar image
Igor asked Phil BoBo edited

Disappearance of materials when importing Solid Edge file

I am trying different software to create simulations of production lines and with FlexSim when importing the models, the materials are not imported and the models are displayed with only one colour. The file type in which the models are exported is .stl from Solid Edge.

FlexSim 22.0.0
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Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Phil BoBo edited

The stl format doesn't contain material information. Try exporting to a 3D format that includes material information, such as jt.

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Bach avatar image
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Bach answered Igor commented

I had the same problem with different file formats. Now I use the software AC3D to colorize and edit the files in before loading in FlexSim. Perfect tool. There you can export the file as .ac format. FlexSim can handle .ac perfectly. Highly recommed using AC3D.

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