
Dominic P avatar image
Dominic P asked Dominic P commented

Correct way to export Textures from Cinema 4D to Flexsim


I have just started using Flexsim and i was wondering what the correct way is to export Texture from Cinema 4D to Flexsim? And wether or not i have to bake the textures in Cinema 4D into one Material.


FlexSim 18.1.2
flexsim 18.1.2materialcinema4dexport fbx
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo answered Dominic P commented

Cinema 4D has a complicated material system. When you export to a 3D file format, it isn't going to preserve all that detail.

Bake all those effects into textures. See Cinema 4D Tutorial - How to Bake Textures for Game Engines

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