
Paúl Alejandro R avatar image
Paúl Alejandro R asked Ben Wilson edited

What are the characteristics for Oculus Rift for flexsim 17.1.2?

Hi everyone,

I am willing to buy oculus rift for my flexsim version 17.1.2, but I'm not sure about all the technical characteristics that the glasses and the software must had. Please give me a hand with that information.

Thanks a lot.

FlexSim 17.1.2
oculus rift
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1 Answer

Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen answered Ben Wilson edited

@Paúl Alejandro R,

Here are the oculus specs: Oculus requirements

Here are the Flexsim specs: FlexSim system requirements (scroll to the bottom)

Just compare and take the max from both ;-)

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