
Ale avatar image
Ale asked Ale commented

Operator that pulls from various queues to multiple queues


I want to use one operator to pull items from one queue to multiple queues. In my source I'm using excel, so in excel I have a label that will tell the operator what queue(1,2) should go to. How can I represent this in a process flow? Also connecting it to a 3D objects

FlexSim 17.1.4
process flow
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Jeff Nordgren avatar image Jeff Nordgren commented ·

Can you send in your model or a sample model of exactly what you are trying to do? It's hard to answer your question without seeing what you are trying to accomplish.


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Ale avatar image Ale commented ·



I don't want to have the operator connected as a center post to the queue because I will be adding more cells and the operator will have to pick from different queues in the future not only from one as you will see in the attached picture.

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capture1.png (88.6 KiB)
cell-2-1.fsm (279.4 KiB)
Ale avatar image Ale commented ·

@Jeff Nordgren

Good morning,

Any feedback on this?


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1 Answer

Brenton King avatar image
Brenton King answered Ale commented

@alejandra.n2, here is a model that does what you are looking for...I think. :) The basic idea, is that I put all the destination queues onto a global list called QueueList and gave them a label called "Queue" which would be their ID#. Each item has a label called QueueNum that it uses to query the list and find the matching queue. "WHERE puller.QueueNum = Queue" Using this method, you can also make the choice of which queue to go to based off of destination content or some other factor. I also don't actually remove the entry from the list when I pull because I want it to be available for other items as well.

If the destination isn't a queue, maybe a processor with a max content of 1 for instance, you could do pretty much the same thing but with a resource instead of a list.


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Ale avatar image Ale commented ·

Got it. This is what I needed. Thanks! :)

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