
José Antonio MD avatar image
José Antonio MD asked Marcello Rosadini commented




I have a problem using the TaskExecuter.

My problem is that the TaskExecuter has to return to a initial postion when he made a movement (for example: Go to Source>Go to Queue1 > Return to Home position), but when another activity is waitting for the TaskExecuter, it goes to the other activity instead of going to Home position.

Probably the solution is easy, but I can't find it, sorry.

Thank you!

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Raja Sekaran avatar image
Raja Sekaran answered José Antonio MD commented


You can achieve by choosing Travel to object in the dropdown list of OnUnload trigger of task executor and refer home location in the destination field. I have attached the model for your reference. travel-to-home-location.fsm

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Marcello Rosadini avatar image
Marcello Rosadini answered Marcello Rosadini commented

Hi Jose Antonio,

here you can find a tutorial on how to use Process Flow to create a task sequence. This way, you can define exactly what you want the task executer to do.

As a note: You need to add a travel activity before the load and unload tasks to make the task executer follow your network. Otherwise it will travel directly to it.

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