
Marco B8 avatar image
Marco B8 asked Marco B8 commented

Find the position of elevator and TaskExecuter

Hi at all.

In my model I have a rack, an elevator and 2 types of task executer (2 shuttle and 2 satellite).

I would like to know how to find the exact position of the task executer when they are not on the ground floor (they can move on x, y - if are on the elevator - and z direction - because the rack can contain more than 1 item on each aisle). This because, based on this information, they have to do different work or going in different way using a "decide" activity.

FlexSim 17.2.5
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1 Answer

Joshua S avatar image
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Joshua S answered Joshua S commented

You can access the objects position using

  1. YourObject.location

which will return the objects x,y,z position. Now there are several things that you might need to do to get the object's location depending on the scenario. If it is part of another object, like you moved it onto the elevator, you need to add it's location to that of the elevators position to get its global position. To reference an object you might need to use this as well so that it recognizes it as an object.

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