
Ale avatar image
Ale asked Joerg Vogel commented


The operators on my model have a center post to their workbench or working area. I'm using a destination labels ([1]). The issue that I'm having right now is that as the simulations progresses the operators are off center of their workbench .See attached picture.2.jpg

How can I fix this so they are centered to their Workbench while processing parts.

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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel commented

The Operator walks to the frame of the object. If you need a defined postion the operator should travel to like a location you add a traveltoloc task in the standard tasksequence. You can add a network of network nodes to your model. If you disable the Offset Travel of the Operators in his parmeters, then the operator travels to the center of network node connected to the object.

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Ale avatar image Ale commented ·

@Jörg Vogel add the traveltoloc in the operator properties? if so what field or trigger do I add it?

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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel Ale commented ·

It is a task from a tasksequence. You can create by code a new tasksequence and dispatch the sequence or alter an existing taskseqeunce as long as the sequence isn't finished executing. In some triggers you can change the dispatched tasksequence as you like, eg "OnReceiveTasksequence". In such a trigger the involved tasksequence reference is "ts". You can insert an additional task by

inserttask(ts, TASKTYPE_TRAVELTOLOC,NULL,NULL,num xpos, num ypos, num zpos, num endspeed); 

It will be the last in the sequence. Because the task is a node you can rerank the task to another position in the tasksequence, which is the container of the tasks.

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