
Jason Merschat avatar image
Jason Merschat asked Matthew Gillespie commented

Travel to Item Container without using Load Function in Process Flow

Using Process Flow - I am trying to have a Task Executer Travel to an Item Container location, which is in a Group of Queues, but not load it. I want to then implement a couple of delay functions, then load it.

Normally one would use the Load function and select Item Container for the Task Executer to travel to the location and load. I am a pulling from a List to determine the item that I want from a Group of Queues, then a TE will travel to the location, delay for some time to simulate a bar scanning function, then do the load function. So if I can find a way to access the container path properly in a Travel function, I can do it, but the Travel function does not allow me to reference the target Flow Item and its associated Item Container. I am trying the dot syntax for something like token.pulled.container??

process flowtraveltravel to location
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Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Matthew Gillespie commented

The Navigator that a Task Executer is connected to controls that Task Executer's behavior when doing Travel tasks.

A crane is not connected to a Navigator by default.

The crane moves using Offset Travel instead of regular Travel.

You can get the crane to move to a particular location by using a Travel to Loc or Travel Relative task rather than a Travel task.

Load and Unload tasks include offset travel and moving of items from one object to another. That's why they work with the crane. A crane doesn't do anything during a regular Travel task unless you explicitly assign it to a navigator.

I've modified your sample model to show you an example of how this can be done with a Process Flow Custom Task activity.


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Sebastian Hemmann avatar image
Sebastian Hemmann answered Jason Merschat commented
  1. token.pulled.up
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