
Roger W avatar image
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Roger W asked Phil BoBo edited

Flexsim webserver user control

I have setup flexsim webserver and it is accessible on the web. I want to set user controls, for example, only admin can control everything, User A can only see the dashboard and user B can only see the dashboard. Is this possible?

Flexsim 17.1.6
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Phil BoBo edited

Here is a forum thread with a custom website that shows an example of how you can interact with a FlexSim webserver through a custom webpage instead of just using the default webserver html interface.

That site has an example of a simple account login feature where the model runs and results are stored on a per-user basis. You could code a similar mechanism so that the functionality available on each page is also dependent on the user's credentials, such as an admin control dashboard that only certain users can see.

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