
elizabeth.l avatar image
elizabeth.l asked elizabeth.l answered

Error while importing excel data

What does this message signify? "Error updating cached Excel Data". After I press OK, I get "Sheet name does not exist in file" I know it's not actually a problem with the sheet name because if I delete enough columns eventually the import starts working. Unfortunately, I can't share the excel file.

FlexSim 17.0.7
excel import
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Jeff Nordgren avatar image Jeff Nordgren commented ·

Can you create an Excel file that does the same thing with "bogus" information in it? And send us that one? Or give us more specific information on the Excel file and then send us your model in another question, marked "Private". That way only FlexSim employees, who are under NDAs, would be able to view it.


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1 Answer

elizabeth.l avatar image
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elizabeth.l answered

So I tried quite a few things trying to narrow down the problem. I was unable to recreate the error with a fresh excel document with dummy data. I noticed that the file was bigger that I thought it should be. I goggled the potential reasons for this and found it could be the formatting.

I cleared the formatting from the empty cells of the sheet and just like that, the file size decreased dramatically and the import started to work.

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