
Ale avatar image
Ale asked Ale edited

Destination when using a group of queues

Need help figuring out why the model is not working when trying to distribute the items from a group of queues called "queues1"to a group of queues called " queues2" . It pulls only from one queue that belongs to a group "queue1" and then it stops when only fulfilling one queue of group "queues2"

FlexSim 17.2.2
load multiple item
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
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Matthew Gillespie answered Ale edited

In the Pull From List activity, if you change the Request Number from 10 to 1 then the items make it to the correct queues. However, this makes the operator only carry one box at a time when moving between the first set of queues and the second. If you want to make the model work and let the staff carry more than one box you'll need to change up the Process Flow a little. Right now you have one token per box, but you'd need to change this to one token per queue or per itemtype, etc.

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