
Ale avatar image
Ale asked Sam Stubbs answered

Statistics Collector: Output per Hour (BATCH)

Per example Statistics Collector: Output per Hour I need help in setting up the query for a calculated table. My statistics collector is different because my model is recording the output for the total quantity in a batch. see attached model cut-area.fsm. Also how can I represent the total output for the 4 queues in my model?


FlexSim 17.2.2
calculated table
cut-area.fsm (384.1 KiB)
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Ale avatar image Ale commented ·
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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
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Sam Stubbs answered

So unfortunately this particular instance isn't quite as straightforward as just creating a query on a Calculated table. Because the information you're getting from your batches is a little different than just an hour by hour event table.

However you can set up a small process flow to track the information that you're looking for. Essentially the process flow, listens for when each time an item enters PrepQC2, and assigns the ACTUAL count of that item to a label. Then it listens to timed event every hour (or whatever time period) to batch everything up to that point, and add the results. And you can then get the data on that, which will give you your results.

It may seem a bit tricky, but we've created an example of it in your model for you to look at.


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