
Omar Aguilera Rico avatar image
Omar Aguilera Rico asked Ben Wilson commented

Error in license migration.

I am following the migration guide FlexSim 2017 and in step three when executing as administrator the Imtools throws me the following error that I append in the image. Do you know how I can solve this or what is the error that generates me? Is it also very important to run it as an administrator?error.jpg

FlexSim 7.7.4
license serverrequest a new working licence.
error.jpg (94.1 KiB)
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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
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Ben Wilson answered Ben Wilson commented

@Omar Aguilera Rico,

When I Google the error message, it indicates that SHGetKnownFolderPath was added in Windows Vista. This suggests you are trying to use Windows XP as your license server?

Unfortunately Windows XP is no longer supported. You will need to upgrade your license server to a supported operating system (Windows 7 or higher).

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