
Nicholas B avatar image
Nicholas B asked Nicholas B answered

Invalid node destroy command

I keep getting this error randomly and it is hard to replicate.

FlexSim HC 5.3.0
bugerror messagememory leak
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Nicholas B avatar image
Nicholas B answered

So I was able to get a new error code following the crash:

"Warning: realloc failed: ByteBlock setsize size requested: 2035435776 current size 0"

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Nicholas B avatar image
Nicholas B answered

So unfortunately and I wish I could make it repeatable it is not. The error messages are always different and the time/code where it fails is different as well. There is also no randomness in the model so I could run the same model over and over again and never get the error. Then open up the model and will get an error. If I can narrow it down I will update.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Jacob Gillespie commented

The classic command is

  1. destroyobject(obj node)

with dot syntax if it is available:

  1. treenode node.destroy()
· 1
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