
ashraf G avatar image
ashraf G asked Arun Kr answered

How to make the setup time effective only at the first run?

Number of work stations : 12

Inputs: process time and setup time

Number of runs: 30

How to run my model 30 times with taking in consideration that the setup time is effective only in the first run? and the rest of runs are only affected by the process time.

Thanks in advance

FlexSim 17.0.6
process timesetup timeexperiment run
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Arun Kr avatar image
1 Like"
Arun Kr answered

Hi ashraf G,

One way to model this situation is by using experimenter and the concept of labels. Presuming you are aware of the experimenter feature in FlexSim. Configure the experimenter with the necessary number of scenarios, performance measure and number of replication as 30, which represents the number of runs.

Create a label in the machine and during the start of first run change the value of label to 1 using the advanced tab trigger option "Start of Experiment". The label logic will look like this.

double replication = param(1);
double scenario = param(2);
Object Processor = model().find("Processor1");
if(replication ==1)
	Processor.Flag =1;

Then modify the set up time logic in the machine. The logic will look like this.

 return 10;
  return 0;

After configuring the model, run the experimenter to get the results. If you are new to FlexSim you must go through the manual or forum to look at the concepts of Experimenter, Labels, Flex Script coding etc.

Furthermore, I am also attaching a sample model for your reference(Number of runs is 10 in the model).replication.fsm


Arun KR

replication.fsm (130.4 KiB)
5 |100000

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