I’ve just have a simple question about the dashboard. I was wondering how can I get easily the output per month of a processor ?
As you can see on the attached printscreen, it’s not includes..
I’ve just have a simple question about the dashboard. I was wondering how can I get easily the output per month of a processor ?
As you can see on the attached printscreen, it’s not includes..
Month is not included in the options because a month is a variable amount of time. Each month is different.
If you use FlexSim 17.2 you could get output per 30 days by using a Statistics Collector and Calculated Table.
Here is an article about how to make a chart that shows the output every hour in FlexSim 17.2.
Hi @Jacob Gillespie, Thanks for this answer. I will update my flexsim version soon in my institution. I try this solution on the flexsim trial version.
The stat collector is really interesting. Just to be sure that I'm right. I can use the same set up presented in article and I just have to change the intervall time and repeat time on 2'592'000 sec to reach 30 days ?
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