
Katie M avatar image
Katie M asked Katie M commented

How do I give priority to one nurse over another in triage?

I am wanting the lead nurse to triage patients first, and only have the second nurse triage when necessary (as she's being considered for a flex position). The problem I'm encountering is that I have the staff requirements set for an Alternative Group because I have a third nurse that works the night shift. When I add staff requirements based on patient location, it doesn't allow the night shift nurse to service her patients. Ideally, I'd like to connect this to allowing the second nurse to take on a patient in one of the two triage areas when their wait time in the waiting room reaches 9 minutes.

FlexSim HC 5.1.0
based on patient location or areatriagestaffing priorities
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Katie M commented

This similar question shows how to have a second object pull from a busy waiting room when the number of people waiting gets too big. That could probably approximate what you're trying to do.

If you really want to model the 9 minute wait time, you could try using the Start Activity pickoption in the Activity Started Trigger to start a different activity 9 minutes from now which then tells a second object to pull from the waiting room.

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Katie M avatar image Katie M commented ·

//////////////////////////////////// CODE HEADER ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// treenode patient = parnode(1); int activityrow = parval(2); treenode activitytable = getvarnode(patient, VAR_ActivityTable); treenode patientlocation = up(patient); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(getavailablelocation(Triage1, patient)) return Triage1;

if(getcensus(WaitingTriage) > 1 && getavailablelocation(Triage2, patient))

return Triage2;

return 0;/**direct*/

I have used coding similar to that in the example you've given me, however the problem I now run into is that when there is greater than one person in the waiting room, the second triage nurse will go and take the last patient to arrive in the waiting room instead of triaging them on a first-come first-served basis. Is there anywhere in the code, or elsewhere that will allow the nurse to take the first patient waiting when the capacity reaches more than one in the waiting room? By running the model the way it does, the wait time lengths are incorrect.

Thanks, Katie

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