
José Antonio MD avatar image
José Antonio MD asked José Antonio MD commented

Queue blocked


I have a doubt with a model.

I have created a simple example, I have some items waiting in a queue and next they go through two queues and one processor, which close or open the second queue of the system (I have this queue’s system because in another model I have to change the batchsize and I have some problems if I don’t use this trick).

The problem is that the system blocked when I do not use the transporter for the first queue, and I do not know really the reason.

I took this opportunity to ask you if is it possible implement an update function in a queue, so if I receive a message or pass a requirement time I can check for example the output.

I thank you in advance for your help.


FlexSim 17.2.3
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1 Answer

Marcello Rosadini avatar image
Marcello Rosadini answered José Antonio MD commented

Hi Jose Antonio,

my guess is that the problem is that you have a Max Content of 2 in the processor and therefore the triggers are being executed twice/simultaneously. It is true that it is a bit strange that the blockage occurs in the processor, but I can't really tell you why.

I have solved it by moving one of the triggers to the entry of the last queue.

About your second question, I have added a small PF that checks for the output on Messageforum-problem1.fsm

forum-problem1.fsm (26.2 KiB)
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