
Kurt De Cock avatar image
Kurt De Cock asked Joerg Vogel edited

Periodic releasing items using transport, only two items are transported

releasingitemsonopenoutput.fsmModel attached as example.

The model contains two simple systems (each has a source, queue and a sink). One system use an operator for transport. Both systems closes the output of the queue on model reset and a user event (first fires at time 100, cycles every 200 seconds) opens the output. When the last item leaves the queue, it closes again. This never happens in the system that use transport because the operator only transport two items. The system without an operator works fine, all items are released.

My question: is this a feature or a bug ? If it is a feature, why two items and not one or none ?

FlexSim 16.2.2
bugtransportrelease flowitem
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo answered

This has already been fixed. You should upgrade to a newer version of the software, such as 17.0.10 or 17.2.3.

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