
Robert Pelle avatar image
Robert Pelle asked Ben Wilson edited

Preferred Operating System

I know FlexSim supports a number of OS's, but my question is, does FlexSim have a preferred Operating System, e.g. is Windows 10 preferred over Windows 7?

FlexSim 17.1.4
operating system
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Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered Ben Wilson edited

Hi @Robert Pelle,

As new versions of FlexSim are developed, we make every effort to ensure that they are compatible with versions of Windows that are still supported by Microsoft at that time. For recent FlexSim releases, this means Windows 7 and later.

Internally we stay pretty up-to-date with Windows. I believe most of us, if not all, are now using Windows 10 for our regular computing. Personally I really enjoy it over previous Windows releases.

It is also true that newer operating systems come with components that FlexSim requires right out of the box. For instance, Windows 7 may be missing some important components used by FlexSim, and if your organization doesn't keep up with Windows updates, you may have to manually add them. Windows 10 comes with these by default.

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jing.c avatar image
jing.c answered

As I known, Windows 10 works perfectly for FlexSim7 or later version.

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