
Anggoro P avatar image
Anggoro P asked Joerg Vogel commented

List entry count by age class

Hi, currently I have a list that tracks the age dynamically. I wonder if I can track how many items are in my list based on their age class. For example I defined age class A: 0-10 days; B: 10-20 days, and so on

I aware that normally we track the current status by using

  1. getstat(getactivity(current, "List"), "Content", STAT_CURRENT, current)

So I expect that there is an extension for addressing my problem. Thanks

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1 Answer

Raja Sekaran avatar image
Raja Sekaran answered Joerg Vogel commented

Hi @Anggoro P

I am not sure if there is any direct way to track the number of items in List based on their age, But you can track the number of items using Query in Pull from List as shown in the pic below.

Then get the number of elements in an array using the length property. Check the labels associated with the token.

I have attached the sample model. I am not sure if this work for your situation.



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