
Tiffany Pecson avatar image
Tiffany Pecson asked Matthew Gillespie commented

Closest Location to a Reference Object

I downloaded the new HC 5.3.4 and saw that there was in Staff Destination a Closest Location to a Reference Object located. I would like to use this for a global process, and the staff destination would be based on the location of where the staff is. For example, I have two groups of nurses, and based on where they are located, I would like them to travel to a certain room, the one closest to them. My staff requirement is any CNA from an Alternate Group. The two groups include CNAs & CNAs 2.

I tried to do make the reference object the Alternate Group, but it seems like no matter what I do, they go to the first of the List of Locations. Can you explain or show an example of how this option is supposed to work?

FlexSim HC 5.3.4
global processstaff requirementsstaff destinationclosest location
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Matthew Gillespie commented

An alternate group is a tool, not a 3D object. It has no location. The reference object has to be an actual 3D object with a location. If you use patient has the resource object, the staff will go to the closest listed object to the patient. If you use PatientArrivals1, they'll go to the object closest to that Arrivals object.

If you want the staff to go to the closest object to themselves you need to make the reference object the actual staff member. I believe you could reference an individual staff member in this field with this command:

getrequiredresource(patient, activityrow, STAFF, 1)

The 1 here means the first staff requirement listed.

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Tiffany Pecson avatar image Tiffany Pecson commented ·

In a global process, is this still applicable? Since a specific patient is not referenced?

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Matthew Gillespie avatar image Matthew Gillespie ♦♦ Tiffany Pecson commented ·

For a global process patient will represent the list of activities, which still needs to be passed in to the getrequiredresource command. However, the global process has not location and thus shouldn't be used as the reference object.

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