
Davide C2 avatar image
Davide C2 asked Davide C2 commented

ASRS Position between 2 tasks

Dear guys,

I have an ASRS system that take an item from a processor, load it in the bay, unload the same item, and put it in an other processor different from the first one. What I want, is that the ASRS, after the last task in the the second processor, go in te position of charging of the first processor. it is possible ? I tried changing onResourceAviable trigger,secondgm1asrs.fsm but the ASRS stay all the time near the first processor.

find the model attacched

Thanks a lot for the help.

FlexSim 18.0.0
secondgm1asrs.fsm (30.5 KiB)
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered Davide C2 commented

@Marco Baccalaro, is right. You need an offset travel task to send the ASRS vehicle to a location on the rail. There exists two tasktypes that you can use. They are the tasktype "travel to a location" or "travel relative from your current position".
If you create a tasksequence you can send the vehicle to a charging location. To force the ASRS vehicle to go to the charging location after the unloading task at the processor 2 you set a condition where you compare the destination of the unload task of the last tasksequence with the processor2.

You get the unload station in the 5th task of the second involved parameter by the command gettaskinvolved(..).


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Davide C2 avatar image Davide C2 commented ·

Dear Jorg and Marco,

Thanks for the help !!!!

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Marco Baccalaro avatar image
Marco Baccalaro answered Davide C2 edited

Ciao Davide,

onResourceAvailable is ok, but you'll need to use the "Travel to an X, Y, Z location" because, doing so, an offset travel is created instead of a travel that requires to move along a network (network navigator or agv navigator).

Try something like these coordinates: -0.5, 3.5, 1.

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Davide C2 avatar image Davide C2 commented ·

thanks marco,

the problem is that after, the ASRS, doesn't take out the box and doesn't put it on the other processor. how can i fix it ?

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Marco Baccalaro avatar image
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Marco Baccalaro answered Davide C2 commented

There was a problem: the ASRS didn't know he already was in the load position, so I've added the resetPos label to avoid it repeating this mission.


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Davide C2 avatar image Davide C2 commented ·

Dear Marco,

I tried with your model but the problem is the same. Look when I put 70 in inter-arrival time in the source. the asrs wait near the second processor that the box end to be processing on the first processor. I don't want this. Maybe i can't see your fixing becouse i have the student version ??

Anyway I attached you the model with 70 aswell. Sorry if I'm insisting. Thanks again


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secondgm1asrs.fsm (30.4 KiB)