
Omar Aguilera Rico avatar image
Omar Aguilera Rico asked Cliff King edited

FlexSim HC preempt

problema.fsm Hello everyone. I have encountered a problem in HC where I am simulating the arrival of emergency patients, where when assigning in Track2 it stabilizes a higher priority than that of EKG and abandonment. It happens that when another emergency patient arrives, as the priority is higher than the one being executed, the nurse leaves the EKG action of the patient who was attending, to go to stabilize the new patient, but what happens is the nurse leaves the hospital. EKG activity of the first patient and does not resume the activity where he stayed, this I can do in premmtion but in the activity of Stabiliza does not throw me that option, how can I solve this? Like I have the following problem that the patient has reserved the gurney and the technician goes by the stretcher without respecting that a patient belongs to him, how can I solve that? Regards!

FlexSim HC 5.3.4
problema.fsm (487.8 KiB)
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1 Answer

Cliff King avatar image
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Cliff King answered Cliff King edited

If I understand your objective, I think the answer is to simply change the priority of the EKG and Departure activities to 300, matching the Stabilize activity. Try it and let me know if things start working the way you expect.

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Omar Aguilera Rico avatar image Omar Aguilera Rico commented ·

I understand what you tell me, but it's not like that. I'll give an example, a person arrives at the emergency room who suffered an accident where he needs a leg seam, but in two minutes a patient with a bullet wound arrives who needs to be treated by the emergency department that is attending the leg seam, to address to only stabilize the patient with a bullet wound. So my stabilization activity has a higher priority than the others. So what should happen is that after stabilizing the bullet wound, return to continue attending the sewing leg. It does not work that way, what they do is they abandon the leg seam for helping the bullet wound and they do not return to continue with their activities that they stopped. Then he is looking for the option of preemtion so that when they come to the patient with a bullet wound after stabilizing, they will resume the activities where they stayed. Any idea how I can solve this? Actually the above represents the reality of a hospital. Thanks for the support!

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Cliff King avatar image Cliff King Omar Aguilera Rico commented ·

OK, I have a few more questions to fully understand what should happen.

Can stabilize activities preempt stabilize activities for other patients depending on severity of the two or more patients involved? I have the same question as to whether the EKG and/or Departure activities for an "emergency" patient can preempt similar activities for other emergency patients depending on the severity of the patients involved.

In your example of the "leg seam" patient (PtA) and the "bullet" patient (PtA), I'm assuming you are considering both an "emergency" type patient. Is that correct? If so, then what activity is the PtA in when PtB arrives? If you are wanting to treat "emergency" patients differently depending upon the severity of their emergency, then it seems to me that you will need to categorize your patients into more levels than just "regular" and "emergency" patients, and make decisions within your tracks to handle the differences.

To keep it simple for now, let's assume you stick with just the two tracks you've defined already and you are in the middle of caring for PtA when PtB arrives per your example above. Tell me what you would like to have happen to both PtA and PtB from their arrival all the way to their departures for each of the following two scenarios: 1) PtA is in the middle of its Stabilize activity when PtB arrives, 2) PtA is in the middle of its EKG activity when PtB arrives.

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Omar Aguilera Rico avatar image Omar Aguilera Rico Cliff King commented ·

2) PtA is in the middle of its EKG activity when PtB arrives. I already had another idea, so when I assign an emergency patient, should their activities have the same priority?

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Omar Aguilera Rico avatar image Omar Aguilera Rico Omar Aguilera Rico commented ·

On the other hand I found a bug, when selecting the process time of a track activity with reference to a Global Table it does not write the quotes. For example, you must type gettablevalue ("GlobalTable1", 1, 1) and what happens is that you type in automatic gettablevalue (GlobalTable1, 1, 1).

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Cliff King avatar image Cliff King Omar Aguilera Rico commented ·

Please stick to the original problem until solved, or I will get really confused. I'm still waiting for a full description of what you want to have happen for PtA and PtB from arrival to discharge for the two scenarios I mentioned.

As for the gettablevalue() command, you may use either "GlobalTable1" or GlobalTable1 for the first parameter. In HC all global tables can be referenced with just their name (no need for quotes) because global tables have a global variable created with the same name as the table for quick easy referencing.

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