
Mohammad reza A avatar image
Mohammad reza A asked Jordan Johnson answered

Error when want to get data from process flow and 3d model

I tried to get data from the model. I made a dashboard and pined some statistics. But when I'm going to pin a pie chart for the desks to get the data of utilization of the 3 representatives it gives me an error that "This object contains the old statistics structure, so it cannot be pinned to a new dashboard chart."

Then I tried to change the assign label to the representative for each table in order to pin a pie chart for the representative behind the tables. when I make this change and run the model, when it reach that part program not responding and exits from the software!

I need to know how much each representative spent time to serve customers and how much they were idle.


FlexSim 18.0.2
process flowdataget data
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered

I replaced the Delay activities with Delay Task activities. The difference between the two is that a Delay Task will set the state of the operator, while the plain Delay does not. Once the operator's state changes, you can show that in the chart. I also added the other workers to the pie chart:


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