
Thoams G avatar image
Thoams G asked Cliff King edited

Position item on center of process

I want to simulate the loading and unloading of a milling machine with the help of a crane. Thus the item should be positioned on the centre of the processor by the crane (which it does not do), and also unload it in the centre of the processor, which it does after i switched of the convey option.

The crane loads the processor near the connecting port, then the item jumps to the centre and is processed. Where do I have to change settings, in order that the item gets also loaded in the centre?

Thanks in advance! Best regards!

FlexSim 16.1.2
processorcranepositionposition item
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1 Answer

Cliff King avatar image
Cliff King answered Thoams G commented

The Processor object has some default item placement behavior that you are fighting with.

Here's a link to a video clip where I demonstrate the default behavior of the Processor:

Here's a link to a video clip where I demonstrate how to use the animator to control where the item will be placed on the Processor. This solution basically involves adding a subcomponent to the processor, giving the subcomponent the 3D shape I want for the object, and removing the 3D shape of the actual processor object. This then allows me to shrink the size of the actual object without affecting the size of the 3D shape being displayed by the subcomponent. I then position the subcomponent relative to the actual processor object, so that when an item enters the processor it will look like it is being position in the desired spot on the 3D shape of the subcomponent. Hard to explain, but easy to demonstrate, so take a look at this video to see what I'm talking about:

We've added a nice new feature in the 2018 Update 1 Beta that allows a quick easy solution to this problem. We've added some new triggers which will give you the ability to easily modify the default behavior for how flow items are picked from and placed on standard 3D objects. Take a look at the following video clip to see how I use the Place Offset trigger to position the flow item in the middle of the Processor:

I've attached the model I used to demonstrate the first solution.


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