
Sahar A avatar image
Sahar A asked Regan Blackett answered

Is there a way to reference a label on another token in the same process flow?

This is likely a very simple question lol

I have 1 process flow, in it I have 2 different "processes" going on, so I have 2 sources. One is triggered on entry and the other is scheduled.

I want to reference a label from one token to the other token. How can I do this? Would they have the same name- Help me understand!

FlexSim 18.0.3
process flowlabelsreference
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1 Answer

Regan Blackett avatar image
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Regan Blackett answered

The trick here is getting the reference to the "other" token. If you have a way to do that then I would save a reference to the other token on the main token and just say:

  1. token.otherToken.labelName

There's a few ways to go about getting that other token reference, like on the Assign Labels activity there are options for looking at tokens in a shared asset or in another activity:

You could also use a List to match up the tokens if there is some particular way that they have to "find" each other. That would let you use the "puller" or "pulled" labels to find who the other token is.

tokenrefs.png (11.4 KiB)
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