
Mark S2 avatar image
Mark S2 asked Mark S2 answered

Clean Transport After Patient Use



I have a model that treat patients while on gurneys. After a patient recovers on a gurney they are transferred to a wheelchair and taken to a another recovery area. Immediately after leaving the gurney can be cleaned.

I see two approaches.

1) From the recovery bed, have the patient leave directly to the initial waiting room area. I had this working, however the cleaning of the gurney could not begin until after that patient is transported/processed. I played around with start trigger activity but could not figure out how to initiate an activity. Also this method uses two staff members to transport, where I actually need one to help move from the gurney to the wheelchair, and just one to transport.

To solve these issues, I came up with 2)...

2) From the recovery bed, I transport the patient with a wheelchair to an adjacent placeholder processing area called ChairArea. This is immediately followed by transportation to the initial waiting area, as well as the gurney cleaning process. The problem is that patients get stuck on offloading from the gurney to the wheelchair, and I cannot figure out why!

Also, how would I then release the gurney? With the finished activity trigger? In my model it does not seem to want me to choose any activity except 10 when I try...

Any help would be much appreciated!


FlexSim HC 5.3.4
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Cliff King avatar image
Cliff King answered

Your patients are getting stuck because you forgot to make a Flowchart connection between the BedArea and the new ChairArea you created.

You should be able to release your gurney in the Activity Finished Trigger of your 190_OffloadGurneytoWheelchair activity using the Keep/Release > Release a Resource pick list option with parameters as shown in the following image:

By the way, when Keeping a resource, use the red lock on the first activity that initially requests the resource, a gray lock (do nothing) on the intermediate activities and then a green lock on the final activity to Release the resource. If there is no final activity, as in your case, then you can use the "Release a Resource" pick option.

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Mark S2 avatar image
Mark S2 answered

Ohh rookie mistake :P Thanks Cliff!

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